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Repertoire Search

Artist isrc title producer record_label release_date date_created
Renz307 ZA-R9C-22-00002 Celebration XXLND 2022-04-10 2022-04-11
Minister Benedict ZA-801-21-00011 Celebration Dobby4040 Independent 2020-12-09 2021-10-11
THUNDER ZA-RUB-21-00022 celebration dj teddy rootkey entertainment 2021-04-15 2021-04-19
Royal S Da Vocalist ZA-KYZ-23-00007 Celebration Royal S Da Vocalist Royal Music 2022-08-29 2023-01-10
PRONTOW ZA-EGX-20-00015 Celebration Prontow 2020-05-21 2020-06-26
Lil Bit Twist ZB-QTZ-21-00010 Celebration Lill Bit Twist Podomatic music 2021-10-11 2021-11-06
A-Team ZB-8E5-23-00016 Celebration A-Team Yooniti - Music 2023-12-28 2023-12-17
Deejay R-AnDy SA ZA-V7Y-21-00005 Celebration Deejay R-AnDy SA 2021-08-12 2021-08-15
Minister Benedict ZA-801-21-00004 Celebration Dobby4040 Independent 2021-07-01 2021-06-11
L.O.R.D 2.0 ZA-YDG-20-00003 Celebration (Episode 2) Clean Mix GC L.O.R.D MOVEMENT GROUP 2020-06-02 2020-06-03
L.O.R.D 2.0 ZA-YDG-20-00002 Celebration (Episode.2) Gc LORD MOVEMENT GROUP 2020-05-30 2020-05-30
Bricka Iphanta ZB-3RP-23-00024 Celebration Of A Soldier (Feat. JahMajor) JahMajor TimeLess Productions 2023-09-28 2023-09-03
MGUDIS ZA-7KW-21-00008 Celebration Song DJ Mgudis Mgudis Music 2017-07-15 2021-04-12
Melo Epic ZA-P5E-23-00009 Celebrations OAGENG GLADWIN MASILO 2023-09-14 2023-08-25
Keeno Worldwide ZA-HLX-20-00151 Celebrations Adam Szabo & Johan Vilborg feat. Johnny Norberg; Keeno Worldwide. Keeno Worldwide (Pty) Ltd 2020-12-24 2020-12-11
Percyman shutdown ZB-EH6-23-00029 Celebrator ft mavin gay Patmesh &percyman shutdown Via record /Ola entertainment 2021-12-15 2023-07-27
SnowKid ZA-BIP-23-00020 Celebrity SnowKid 2024-06-27 2023-12-13
Yung Berry ZA-7I6-21-00009 Celebrity Yung Berry iMnandi Mzala Musik Production 2021-08-14 2021-08-15
Vas ZB-TI2-21-00001 celebtrate zico THE LAW GANG RECORDS 2022-12-02 2021-06-15
Tman Xpress Thee Vocalist ZB-02I-24-00019 Celemba Musical Tone Xpress Republik (PTY) LTD 2024-11-14 2024-11-11
Dj JMP DaProBeat ZA-COV-21-00014 Celestial Dj JMP DaProbeat God Level Entertainment 2021-11-19 2021-11-02
Endofthemonth ZB-2DC-22-00002 Celestial End of The Month 2022-08-21 2022-08-15
Graè Music ZA-WDQ-25-00125 Celestial (Dark Graè Space Mix) Graè Music BASSMENT MUSIC RSA 2025-02-20 2025-01-13
Reactor B ZA-1HD-22-00009 Celestial Aura Reactor B 2022-06-30 2022-05-06