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Repertoire Search

Artist isrc title producer record_label release_date date_created
Mbhu ZB-14I-24-00006 Ak'sezoba Nzima Mbhu 2024-11-23 2024-11-06
Sina The Producer ZA-SHJ-23-00029 Akshunqe Original Boys Badlala Ngomlilo Productions 2023-11-30 2023-12-05
Champ Tunes ZA-OJD-22-00015 Aksibo Nhlanhla Mdhlalose Empsalmo Music 2022-02-18 2022-02-19
Weirdo2265 ZA-MJZ-20-00007 Aksiy Owakho (feat. Tiara) Weirdo 2020-06-20 2020-06-21
DELY DEE ZA-DOC-23-00054 AKu fambeki Tango Nghalas Records 2023-09-27 2023-09-20
Team Mafia ZB-S01-23-00024 Aku tleriwi Tommy Mafia Platinumz studio 2023-09-14 2023-09-07
Sevengwani The Diva ZB-HHX-23-00003 Aku Tleriwi ka Gaza Sevengwani The Diva Patmesh records 2023-11-22 2023-11-23
MishMesh ZA-LJF-21-00015 aku vumi Azishe Entertainment 2021-03-02 2021-06-24
Ms DD ZA-TG6-21-00028 Aku Vumi Mr Es Tee Mr Es Tee Music Production 2021-06-05 2021-08-06
Skilloh ZA-174-22-00016 Akudliwe Njabulo Zikhali Nhloli Mission Production 2022-07-31 2022-07-17
$Aviour ZA-0UD-21-00003 Akufani $Aviour $AvioursoundzArtz 2021-02-28 2021-03-01
Kapi Gantsu ZA-YEO-21-00018 Akufani Nayizolo Sthembiso Twala Pika Records 2021-02-01 2021-01-29
Balungile ka Njemboqo ZB-KV0-24-00007 Akufundeki Valangentsimbi 2022-05-14 2024-03-03
Liquid LT ZB-9S9-22-00004 Akuhambeki Lungile Tshabalala 2022-09-29 2022-10-02
Liquid LT ZB-9S9-22-00003 Akuhambeki Lungile Tshabalala 2022-08-08 2022-08-10
Cow T ZA-5ZH-24-00234 Akuhlangani (Demo) Prod By. Cow T Cow T Cow T Law Qooza 2024-10-11 2024-10-12
Nomandla Sandra ZA-RWM-23-00029 Akukabonakali Nomandla Sandra Mantshintshi, makabongwe magongo, lunga tshabalala JESCHIX HOLDINGS 2023-02-22 2023-12-31
Tk the challenge ZA-WNW-22-00003 Akukapheli Lucybeats entertainment Lucybeats entertainment 2022-05-15 2022-05-09
Dr Thobeh ZB-52X-23-00003 Akukapheli Ngawe 2022-03-28 2023-05-15
Sir Hamilton ZA-GMG-22-00029 Akukhale abo tttt Sir Hamilton & Celtic SA AFrican Nton Nton entertainment 2022-03-02 2022-08-30
Generaldadj Musiq ZA-67J-22-00061 Akukho lula Generaldadj Musiq Harmony life studio 2022-10-07 2022-09-29
Dj Aertee ZB-AL4-24-00021 Akukho lula remake Dj Aertee Independent artist 2024-05-24 2024-07-29
SKHALA NENE ZB-YYC-24-00017 Akukho nsizwa Skhala nene Gwazinduna entertainment 2024-06-27 2024-06-22
Qanduqandu ZA ZB-CYT-24-00015 Akukho Shinga Qanduqandu ZA Abongile Innovations Records 2024-07-24 2024-07-14
M Dey ZA-6W7-21-00012 Akukho_mnadi Luv-More 2021-10-05 2021-10-06