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Repertoire Search

Artist isrc title producer record_label release_date date_created
Sniper RSA ZA-CUN-21-00013 Umbali Sniper SNG records 2021-07-24 2021-07-25
Partee Ipantsula ZA-OSO-23-00009 Umbali freestyle Partee IPANTSULA Nants'ingozi musiq 2022-11-30 2023-01-12
Dj IronMan SA ZB-WS6-24-00001 uMbali(gwijo) DJ IronMan SA 2024-04-04 2024-04-01
B-white ZB-YAD-24-00001 Umballieh King venom Holly beats recods 2022-03-17 2024-07-01
B-white ZB-YAD-24-00002 Umballieh King Venom Holly beats recods 2021-04-28 2024-07-03
Skuiz ZA-6GW-20-00001 Umbambe Skuiz/Louis Lunch N/A 2020-03-26 2020-06-19
Dj Ndakx ZA-GAB-20-00003 Um'bambe Lindani Vivian Zulu "Dj Ndakx" Lambuq 2020-08-13 2020-08-06
Mxosun ZA-6U8-20-00001 Um'bambe SelbisticSoul Mxosun 2020-04-10 2020-09-12
Shango ZA-5D9-21-00001 Umbambe ngesandla Sandile Penwell Khoza 442 Records 2021-06-14 2021-06-16
Senzo Afrika ZB-XYW-22-00001 Um'bambele Duze Lucky Semenya (Novex Beats) indie 2022-09-29 2022-09-13
jabzTrill ZA-5L3-19-00005 UmbambeUmuntu Jabztrill RutalReigns 2019-12-15 2019-12-15
Earthcroxx ZA-NIV-21-00003 Umbambhe Nico Mazibuko/ Eartchcroxx Godic Records 2021-07-26 2021-08-09
Earthcroxx ZA-NIV-21-00004 Umbambhe Nico Mazibuko/ Earthcroxx Godic Records 2021-07-26 2021-08-09
Kwanele Imbongi Enothando ZB-D8F-23-00004 Umbangi Mr KB EzaseKB Entertainment 2023-09-13 2023-09-14
Manpeace mpz ZB-2TF-23-00001 Umbese 2023-10-29 2023-09-17
Elements Himself ZA-DI5-22-00075 Umbhalo Wesibini Elements Himself Makenik Music Group 2022-08-04 2022-06-18
Dj Perci ZA-XUO-23-00024 Umbhed' iskebhe DJ Perci Still That Combo Records 2023-06-28 2023-06-15
QueenNakuwa ZA-GC0-22-00004 Umbhedesho Anele Chris Vezi Queen Nakuwa 2022-06-30 2022-06-10
King Jozy ZB-KNM-22-00002 Umbhedo Wama Bars King Jozy Milky Way Galaxy Entertainment 2022-05-29 2022-05-06
One Sounder ZA-YKT-21-00011 Umbhengo 21 vuyo nkala Maddhitts Music 2021-08-07 2021-07-25
One Sounder ZA-YKT-21-00012 Umbhengo 22 vuyo nkala Maddhitts Music 2021-08-07 2021-07-25
Red Bear ZA-P4Y-24-00016 umbhobho red bear independent 2024-09-09 2024-09-13
University of Zululand Choir ZA-S5J-24-00100 Umbholoho Medley Bhekani Buthelezi & Siyanqoba Mthethwa Imbewu Arts Production 2024-02-29 2024-02-05
Thobeka ZB-QGN-24-00002 Umbhoshongo Siyanqoba Mthethwa THOBSRAMS HOLDINGS ( PTY)LTD 2024-05-02 2024-04-25
Mfanakamkhize ZA-FIK-23-00019 Umbhubhudlo Mfanakamkhize House music 2023-04-27 2023-04-04